Dating a man with Personality disorder 😓

Ananya, 24yr old college student, used to all the time whine about her life. She was frustrated most of the time & her issues were never ending. She was in tears every time she met her friends. She was in an unhappy relationship. Her boyfriend never attends to her when she needs him. He was emotionally cold. He was inconsiderate about her feelings. He knew ways to use his artificial charm & get things from her be it physical intimacy or money. She was not allowed to voice her thoughts & feelings. She had to blindly follow whatever her boyfriend says. If at all she resisted, he would abuse her verbally. His words were too rude & painful.She used to weep day & night, unable to digest his harsh words. He was impulsive & aggressive.There were times when Ananya used to rush to the police station to rescue her boyfriend, as he used to get into trouble by breaking law. He used to get into physical fights consuming alcohol & break traffic rules. He...